
Testimonials on Flower of Life Essential Blends

I purchased a vial of I RELEASE ALLERGIES a few weeks ago while visiting Ashland. I wanted to share with you how effective it has been for me. I quit taking my Zyrtec a few days ago. I put a drop of the oil on a very small cosmetic brush and coat the inside of my nose as far up as possible twice a day. My sinus’ are clearer than they have been for years. I will continue to use this wonderful essential blend.

– SW

Your essential oils were magnetic, it was the first booth that I went to. I just wanted to send a message of thanks and appreciation for what you do. You are contributing so immensly to the healing of the planet. I really do feel the love vibrations of the oils you make! THANK you for sharing so much knowledge every time I went to visit your booth and sample the oils! And thanks for making them affordable! I bought the ROSE OTTO, AWAKE, BEAUTY!, GANESHA BLEND, and YEAST BALANCE. My heart is happy… I love plants and I want to meet more of them, I want to sing to them, grow them, work and share their medicine. If ever you have a workshop apprenticeship opportunity or need assistance, please do let me know.

– J

I have had some kind of rash on my left hand for months, I had tried everything out there with no luck, the rash now peeling and looking like it was getting worse. I met you at your booth and you offer me some MIRACLE CREAM to try, as I was walking away I could feel already that it was helping me. Within an hour my hand began to look like it was healing really fast. I had to come and show you and buy a jar. As of today my hand is completely healed! Thank you! Thank you for the love and care you infuse in these amazing products!

– R

I skateboard, I have not been doing for a few months, and went at it hard one day. I could hardly move the next, my back was killing me so, I could hardly turn to say hi to a friend behind me. It took literally maybe 5 minutes or less after I applied MIRACLE CREAM and the pain was gone. I could not believe it! A few minutes more and I felt I had a new back!

– K

I had had a really difficult time falling asleep for a long time. I met Ylara at solstice and she recommended I try EASY SLEEP. I cannot thank her enough, I slept like a baby, and the blends just smelled divine! I applied to my temples, under my nose and the soles of my feet.  It did not take long! Thank you for the love you put into this amazing work!


When I met Ylara I was limping in pain. The heel of my right foot was so dry it cracked and got infected, I could not apply pressure, and I was in so much pain. She applied the MIRACLE CREAM on my foot and within less than 30 minutes I could feel less and less pain! Infection was gone by night fall. The Next day I was able to walk without limping! Thank you!!!


I am a woman who has a hard time not doing a million things all the time. I constantly think, too much. I practice Yoga and meditation to help. As per your recommendation I tried EASY SLEEP for a few hours, I was skeptical, I did no want to fall asleep! However, I felt so relaxed, so calm, I felt like I was walking on air! I could not have believed it had I not tried it! I now use this amazing blend during my busy day and I can honestly say I feel like myself again!
Thank you so much for your patience in answering all my questions, and your heartfelt kindness to a complete stranger!

– AM

Testimonials about Ylara Khalsa

I met Ylara at Summer Solstice. As many of you reading this may understand, the ladies bathroom is where the buzz is. I heard about Ylara there, two women where talking about her there. Have you met Ylara? No, who is she? You have to met her. She is amazing, she can take a look at you and really help you. Well, that was it for me, so I went on to ask more about her and found her at the bazaar. I wanted help and support for issues I have been working on for a long time. She was kind and generous, I talked a little and she shared much needed information.

The way she delivered was like nothing I have ever experienced before, I felt like she was giving myself back to me. It was one of the most uplifting experiences I have ever had. I walked away with a meditation, flowers, and much needed strength and joy. Today, after having worked with my blend, and done my meditations I feel deeply transformed, and most importantly actually happy…. And yes, I did plant some seeds, and love my flowers! Thank you Ylara for all you are!

– Natalie W

Your Kindness deeply touched, me. I do not know if I had ever had some one deeply listen to me the way you did. That act in itself was cathartic. I came feeling a void and anxiety, I left feeling myself deeply full… Thank you, thank you for all you are and for what you share!

– Ilana

I have been meditating for over 10 years, and hit a point where I could not figure out how to go deeper. Ylara, thank you for your gifts, for the love and care I have experienced every time I talk to you, and for bringing forth these amazing oils, especially the 8 Yogic Petals, I have finished the 4th and I feel like I have gone beyond what I thought was possible! I would love to learn more from you!


I have been blending essential oils for over 10 years, and nothing has come close to what you are offering, the blends are vibrant, alive, active, they have taken me so deep, and the experience has been so powerful, I am humbled and amazed… Thank you! If you ever have a workshop, count me in!! this is truly extraordinary! You are magical!


I just have to write to you about your bath oils, I followed the protocol you recommended, I did the oils for 8-10 consecutive days. I was dealing with anxiety and depression. The process through the baths was deeply cathartic, and so gentle at the same time. I never knew plants could have this depth in healing at such a deep level. Thank you so much for what you are doing, it has deeply helped me and supported me through my hard times.
Thank you, thank you!


When Ylara begins to speak about flowers, plants, I grow quiet, I savor every little thing she says about these elemental creations, she talks about them like they are her family, and in such a way that allows you in this very sacred space. I have to say, I experience nature through her love as she speaks about them… It is an experience in it of itself…. Thank you Ylara, for what you bring every where you are….


I have known Ylara for many many years, and I am never ceased to be amazed by the range of her magnificent products. The work that she puts into these oils, from researching to mixing, to tuning in to the energies of the flowers and plants she uses is just amazing. The high quality and pure vibration of these oils work on the deepest levels penetrating through layers and layers. I would highly recommend any of her oils, but my most favorite one is the “MAGNIFICENT HAIR“, which balances the hair follicles’ magnetic field. Her consultations are likewise powerful and hit the mark with uncanny precision.


Personal experience with Ylara… When I first met Ylara her warm eye contact was the first wave of comfort to settle in. Her ability to be focused and present brings much relief, a presence of crystal clarity. Her undivided attention motivated me to reveal myself more and more. Ylara spent her time with me wisely each consultation. She was always direct, truthful, and intuitive while still holding an air of heart consciousness. I still don’t believe I have met anyone who has seen or heard me so clearly as Ylara.

Originally, I was attracted to Ylara to study her as a healer with her oils. Sometimes I would watch her as she interacted with strangers, amazed by her ability to connect heart to heart in such a short amount of time. Ylara’s wisdom on healing with scent is incredible!

The oils Ylara gave me to work with has opened me tremendously. In meditation, receiving bodywork, or throughout my daily routine I will apply the recommended oils. With each application I experience the healing I need and not necessarily what I think I need. I go to Ylara because she can see what I’m not seeing, she can hear me even if I can’t find the words, and she reminds me when I have forgotten my true essence. Ylara is pure heart. She has played an important part in my spiritual journey and I am forever grateful for her practice. By the way, her scents are heavenly!


Kelsey Greenhorn on Ylara Khalsa

Ylara Khalsa was raised with yoga and meditation since the early age of 9. Started teaching yoga to women at the age of 15. She was approached often by the students for counsel and support, it was then that this special energy people often experience during her consults emerged. Ylara was raised as a Sikh, and the core longing for her was to be of service to humanity. You can feel it when she looks intently and with an open heart. Many people who meet her share deep intimate challenges they are working on with her. Most approach her with general questions about her magic blends. But none really expect to pour out their hearts as she gently and generously opens this otherworldly space of deep listening and warm kindness. As most of those who have had the pleasure to talk with Ylara know, it just happens.

Many of us have really never experienced deep listening, free of judgment or criticism. I guarantee you will when you speak to Ylara. It is truly an experience that melts your heart and puts you at ease. She has a kind word, she offers to you a perspective, though simple, rather enlightening. And for some spiritual, meant to be, amazing reason, she seems to know more that she shares. Never admitting or claiming she may have some active third sense. One walks away with a feeling of having been seen, all of you… You walk away feeling supported and elevated, and most importantly with a feeling of having a full, inspired and joyful heart. Do not be surprised if she inspires you to plant a little garden as well. When I asked her how she came about all she is and knows, she becomes very humble, and moved to tears when she speaks of her garden at the farm. She will share with you how she asked her garden to cultivate and grow it with love. And what she received in return was an ability to deeply listen and observe without expectation or judgment. You can really feel it. So, yes, I came to my little garden and asked it as well. But that is a for another story.

Amazing right? Well, you need to experience it for yourself. And by the way, if you request a recommendation on her amazing and magic blends, you will walk away with a treasure that will continue on giving more of that Mother Nature Love!

– Kelsey Greenhorn, Yoga teacher / Master Herbalist